Green Sausage is an odd name, but most appropriate for this small green tomato. A determinate plant, it produces 2 to 4 inch elongated tomatoes that look quite like small
Green Sausage is an odd name, but most appropriate for this small green tomato. A determinate plant, it produces 2 to 4-inch elongated tomatoes that look quite like small light green wax peppers.
The structure of this tomato plant is fairly airy, and it takes to a trellis very well but doesn't grow very tall at all. Expect your plants to reach about 3 feet and that's it.
The tomatoes grow on a bushy plant that fits well in small and medium-size tomato cages.
When ripe, the fruits have mottled stripes of light green and pale yellow. The seeds are a medium green, just like an unripe tomato, and that makes for an interesting contrast with the outer flesh when sliced width-wise for a vegetable tray.
This is one tomato that's ripe when it's green (and yellow), so you can have fried green tomatoes anytime you, please.
Not only are Green Sausage tomatoes odd-looking, but they also have an unusual taste. In fact, they don't taste much like a tomato at all. The firm flesh of this tomato has a pleasing texture and a mild fresh taste that makes them well suited for a snack tray or salad.
I like things that are different, and that's why this tomato makes my list of best vegetables. If you don't like a tomato taste in a particular dish that calls for tomatoes, you might try substituting this variety to get the same effect but with a different taste.
With a compact growth habit, this soft green and yellow striped tomato are ideal for use as a patio variety. It's a moderate producer, so if you're interested in a bunch of these unusual looking and tasting tomatoes, you'll want to plant at least a few plants.