100+ days to maturity Extremely HOT. Good yields of hot wrinkled fruits. Devils Tongue red chillies ripen from green to dark red. Pods are larger and thicker skinned with a higher heat level
100+ days to maturity Extremely HOT. Good yields of hot wrinkled fruits. Devils Tongue red chillies ripen from green to dark red. Pods are larger and thicker skinned with a higher heat level and different flavour to its yellow relative. It can sometimes produce yellow or even chocolate coloured pods. Capsicum chinense
General Information
Capsicum General Sowing information: Chilli seeds and collections Sow seeds early as some hot peppers can take 120+ days from transplanting to fruiting. Temp should be maintained at the indicated temp 25-30°C chilli seeds will germinate at 25C but will take longer 30C+ is the preferred temp for hot chillies Jolokia, Morich, Tepin and Habanero chillies they can also be slow and erratic to emerge (allow up to 35+ days for germination) compost should not be too moist to prevent the seeds from rotting, keep chilli seed & seedlings out of draughts
100+ days to maturity Extremely HOT. Good yields of hot wrinkled fruits. Devils Tongue red chillies ripen from green to dark red. Pods are larger and thicker skinned with a higher heat level