Witch Finger Grape Seeds 2.5 - 1
  • Witch Finger Grape Seeds 2.5 - 1
  • Witch Finger Grape Seeds 2.5 - 2
  • Witch Finger Grape Seeds 2.5 - 4
  • Witch Finger Grape Seeds 2.5 - 3

Witch Finger Grape Seeds


Witch Finger Grape Seeds

Price for Package of 5 seeds.

Description/Taste Witch Finger table grapes have elongated purple drupes. They look like small maroon chili peppers, tightly clustered together on bright green stems. The grapes have a crisp, thin skin over pale flesh. Witch Fingers have a very sweet flavor, not overly tannic and low in acidity. The

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Witch Finger Grape Seeds

Price for Package of 5 seeds.

Description/Taste Witch Finger table grapes have elongated purple drupes. They look like small maroon chili peppers, tightly clustered together on bright green stems. The grapes have a crisp, thin skin over pale flesh. Witch Fingers have a very sweet flavor, not overly tannic and low in acidity. The overall taste is reminiscent of plums. Witch Fingers is a grape grown for its flavor and appearance.



Witch Fingers grapes are available for a short time mid-summer.



Witch Finger grapes were grown to be table grapes, enjoyed fresh out of hand. They would make a nice addition to fruit salads, offering something different than the average red grape. Witch Finger grapes pair well with mild cheeses and nuts and make a great snack for kids who find both the shape and taste appealing.

V 160 WF
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