Characteristics of the Saturn Peach - Platerine: The characteristics of the Saturn peach are very similar to those of the peach with which it shares genes, as its velvety skin, its colours
Characteristics of the Saturn Peach - Platerine: The characteristics of the Saturn peach are very similar to those of the peach with which it shares genes, as its velvety skin, its colours, flattened shape and sweet flavour are very attractive. The characteristics of the platerine are very similar to those of the nectarine with which it shares genes, as its smooth skin, its colours, its flattened shape and its sweet flavour are very attractive.
Size: the size ranges from a Calibre C 56/61mm diameter to a calibre of over 80mm.
Shape: flattened, squashed
Platerine skin; smooth, shiny, free of fur
Colour: uniform and intense encapsulating almost the entire range of pink or red shades
Pulp: perfumed and juicy
Flavour: it passes through a wide range of sweet flavours
Cultivation of the Saturn Peach - Platerine
Its cultivation is limited principally to warm areas, with Spain – for this very fact – being one of the notable producers of this fruit. The main crop areas are Murcia, Lérida and Aragón. The surface area planted in recent years has been increased enormously due to the fact that it is a product that has been very well received by the consumer, due to its convenience for consumption thanks to its flattened shape and its excellent sweet flavour. Currently, Murcia is the most important producer in Spain of the Saturn Peach, specifically Vega Alta, and the municipalities of Cieza and Calasparra.
Benefits of Saturn Peaches - Platerines for the health
Their properties are very important because they are rich in carotenes with anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties, particularly recommended for protection against stomach cancers. Their high concentration of nutrients makes Saturn Peaches a recommended fruit for those following a diet for their weight, as they can feel full while encouraging the consumption of fruit. Similarly, their ingestion guarantees good skin condition, eyesight, teeth and can even prevent states of anxiety or stress.
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