• Brune D'Hiver Lettuce Seeds

Brune D'Hiver Lettuce Seeds


Brune D'Hiver Lettuce Seeds

Price for Package of 50 seeds.

Compact, hardy, French butterhead-type lettuce that was introduced in 1855. Crunchy green leaves are blushed in reddish- brown color. Plants require little space when growing

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Brune D'Hiver Lettuce Seeds

Price for Package of 50 seeds.

Compact, hardy, French butterhead-type lettuce that was introduced in 1855. Crunchy green leaves are blushed in reddish- brown color. Plants require little space when growing, and are perfect for fall plantings. Hard to find.

Winter Lettuce.

PL 3 (50 S)
919 Öğeler

Bilgi kartı

Tohum Elle aldı?
Tohum Elle Aldı
Organik Tohumlar?
Organik Tohumlar
Yenilebilir ?
Soğuğa ve dona dayanıklı mı?
Resistant to cold and frost
Tıbbi bitki ?
Medicinal Plant: Yes

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Based on 0 reviews - 0 1 2 3 4 0/5