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Giant Onion Seeds Robinsons Mammoth 2 - 2
  • Giant Onion Seeds Robinsons Mammoth 2 - 2
  • Giant Onion Seeds Robinsons Mammoth 2 - 1

Giant Onion Seeds Robinsons Mammoth


Robinsons Mammoth Giant Onion Seeds

Price for Package of 8 or 15 seeds.

We are delighted to offer this seed packed by Robinsons. These seeds are of the highest quality and are ideal for shows and exhibitions. This onion has high standards of vigour and uniformity and can be grown

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Robinsons Mammoth Giant Onion Seeds

Price for Package of 8 or 15 seeds.

We are delighted to offer this seed packed by Robinsons. These seeds are of the highest quality and are ideal for shows and exhibitions. This onion has high standards of vigour and uniformity and can be grown to over 2kg in weight and 22 inches in circumference. Robinsons grow for flavour and this onion has a very sweet flavour.
MHS 147 (15 S)
125 Öğeler

Bilgi kartı

Tohum Elle aldı?
Tohum Elle Aldı
Organik Tohumlar?
Organik Tohumlar
Organik / Doğal ?
Organik / Doğal: Evet
Yenilebilir ?
Saksıda yetiştirmek için uygun mu?
Suitable for pot: Yes
Meyve Ağırlığı ?
Fruit Weight: 2 - 2.5 kg

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Based on 0 reviews - 0 1 2 3 4 0/5