Varietate din Spania

The Raf tomato variety is obtained by selecting and crossing different breeds and is cultivated tomatoes in greenhouses, especially in Almería, from where 30% of the tomatoes
The Raf tomato variety is obtained by selecting and crossing different breeds and is cultivated tomatoes in greenhouses, especially in Almería, from where 30% of the tomatoes consumed in Europe come. In this Spanish region, the combination of sun and soil salinity gives these tomatoes their unique characteristics. This variety is found from late autumn until late spring, a period that may be extended if temperatures are low since it does not do well in the heat. The name comes from the acronym of "Resistant to Fusarium" (fusarium is a type of fungus that affects the tomato) and this explains its wide distribution. It is also known as "Pata Negra tomato." The fruits, green and striped with red, with deep grooves, are fleshy and soft, juicy and sweet.
Keeping Raf tomatoes
It's always best to just buy the amount you are going to consume. If your busy schedule doesn't allow for a daily shop, you can keep them for several days in a cool and well-ventilated space. You can also slow the ripening down if you keep them in the fridge and take them out a couple of hours before eating till they reach room temperature.
Eating Raf tomatoes
The Raf tomato is great raw: just cut it into slices, following the grooves, add a pinch of salt and a dash of extra virgin olive oil and it's ready... Delicooks offers several salad recipes that include this tomato.
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