• -15%

Varietà dalla Francia
Semi di melone PRESCOTT FOND BLANC 2.45 - 1
  • Semi di melone PRESCOTT FOND BLANC 2.45 - 1
  • Semi di melone PRESCOTT FOND BLANC 2.45 - 2


1,95 €
1,66 € Risparmia 15%
L'offerta termina il:


Prezzo per confezione da 10 semi.

Il melone francese più unico e bello che vendiamo! Il frutto è di 4-8 kg, molto appiattito e nervato, con verruche e protuberanze. I meloni hanno la pelle grigia / verde

Semi in confezione :

Totale Valutazione Totale Valutazione:

0 1 2 3 4
4,00/5 - 4 recensioni

Vista valutazione
0 1 2 3 4 0
0 1 2 3 0 4
0 1 2 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 2 0
0 0 1 2 3 0

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Questo oggetto è stato venduto



Prezzo per confezione da 10 semi.

Il melone francese più unico e bello che vendiamo! Il frutto è di 4-8 kg, molto appiattito e nervato, con verruche e protuberanze. I meloni hanno la pelle grigia / verde che diventa color paglierino, la polpa è arancione salmone. Un tempo uno dei meloni più conosciuti, fu menzionato nel 1860, ma probabilmente è molto più antico.
Il sapore è molto ricco se scelto alla perfezione e la fragranza è paradisiaca. Questo è il mio melone preferito, quasi inaudito in questo paese.
70 giorni

V 167 (10 S)
564 Articoli

Scheda tecnica

Semi selezionati con cura?
Sementi raccolte a mano
BIO Semi ?
Semi bio
Biologico ?
Profondità di semina ?
Profondità di semina 5 mm
La pianta è adatta per crescere in?
La pianta è adatta per crescere in serra
La pianta è adatta per la coltivazione all'aperto
Produttore ?
Produttore: Seeds Gallery
Frutta Peso ?
Peso della frutta: 10 kg
Paese di origine della varietà ?
Varietà di: Francia
La Seeds Gallery consiglia questa pianta?
La Seeds Gallery consiglia questa pianta!
Nome scientifico:
Cucumis melo

USDA Hardiness zone

Recensioni Recensioni (4)

Sulla base 4 recensioni - 0 1 2 3 4 4,00/5
0 1 2 3 4


0 di 0 la gente ha trovato la seguente recensione utile

60% germination rate on 10 seeds sown early July with daily watering.It\\\'s still far from your 85% promise !

Negozio proprietario risposta (25/01/2022):
Hello Didier Sommer, honestly 60% is a good score, you can\\\'t compare yourself and the germination test in the laboratory. I\\\'m sorry you didn\\\'t have a higher germination rate. Please always check in the product description is there a separate germination rate given.Seeds germinationAll our seeds are first tested on germination. If the test rate is under 60% these seeds are not sold. Only seeds with a germination rate of over 60% are sold in our online store.We can assure you that all our seeds are fresh - if any of them are unsold during the season, they come back to the breeder, and in the new season, we supply our shop with the fresh seeds.Seeds is a live product, which depends on many important grower skills such as proper planting time, seed depth, type of soil, watering, and light intensity, proper use of fertilizers, weed controls, fungicides, insecticides, soil conditions, and reasonable weather during the growing period. These factors are totally out of the seller\\\'s control, and germination and growing results are the buyer\\\'s responsibility and risk.
0 1 2 3 4


0 di 0 la gente ha trovato la seguente recensione utile

60% germination rate on 10 seeds sown early July with daily watering.It\\\\\\\'s still far from your 85% promise !

Negozio proprietario risposta (05/02/2022):
Hello Didier Sommer, honestly 60% is a good score, you can\\\\\\\'t compare yourself and the germination test in the laboratory. I\\\\\\\'m sorry you didn\\\\\\\'t have a higher germination rate. Please always check in the product description is there a separate germination rate given.Seeds germinationAll our seeds are first tested on germination. If the test rate is under 60% these seeds are not sold. Only seeds with a germination rate of over 60% are sold in our online store.We can assure you that all our seeds are fresh - if any of them are unsold during the season, they come back to the breeder, and in the new season, we supply our shop with the fresh seeds.Seeds is a live product, which depends on many important grower skills such as proper planting time, seed depth, type of soil, watering, and light intensity, proper use of fertilizers, weed controls, fungicides, insecticides, soil conditions, and reasonable weather during the growing period. These factors are totally out of the seller\\\\\\\'s control, and germination and growing results are the buyer\\\\\\\'s responsibility and risk.
0 1 2 3 4


0 di 0 la gente ha trovato la seguente recensione utile

60% germination rate on 10 seeds sown early July with daily watering.It\\\\\\\'s still far from your 85% promise !

Negozio proprietario risposta (05/02/2022):
Hello Didier Sommer, honestly 60% is a good score, you can\\\\\\\'t compare yourself and the germination test in the laboratory. I\\\\\\\'m sorry you didn\\\\\\\'t have a higher germination rate. Please always check in the product description is there a separate germination rate given.Seeds germinationAll our seeds are first tested on germination. If the test rate is under 60% these seeds are not sold. Only seeds with a germination rate of over 60% are sold in our online store.We can assure you that all our seeds are fresh - if any of them are unsold during the season, they come back to the breeder, and in the new season, we supply our shop with the fresh seeds.Seeds is a live product, which depends on many important grower skills such as proper planting time, seed depth, type of soil, watering, and light intensity, proper use of fertilizers, weed controls, fungicides, insecticides, soil conditions, and reasonable weather during the growing period. These factors are totally out of the seller\\\\\\\'s control, and germination and growing results are the buyer\\\\\\\'s responsibility and risk.
0 1 2 3 4


0 di 0 la gente ha trovato la seguente recensione utile

60% germination rate on 10 seeds sown early July with daily watering.It\\\\\\\'s still far from your 85% promise !

Negozio proprietario risposta (05/02/2022):
Hello Didier Sommer, honestly 60% is a good score, you can\\\\\\\'t compare yourself and the germination test in the laboratory. I\\\\\\\'m sorry you didn\\\\\\\'t have a higher germination rate. Please always check in the product description is there a separate germination rate given.Seeds germinationAll our seeds are first tested on germination. If the test rate is under 60% these seeds are not sold. Only seeds with a germination rate of over 60% are sold in our online store.We can assure you that all our seeds are fresh - if any of them are unsold during the season, they come back to the breeder, and in the new season, we supply our shop with the fresh seeds.Seeds is a live product, which depends on many important grower skills such as proper planting time, seed depth, type of soil, watering, and light intensity, proper use of fertilizers, weed controls, fungicides, insecticides, soil conditions, and reasonable weather during the growing period. These factors are totally out of the seller\\\\\\\'s control, and germination and growing results are the buyer\\\\\\\'s responsibility and risk.