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Semi di Tabacco MARYLAND 1.95 - 1
  • Semi di Tabacco MARYLAND 1.95 - 1
  • Semi di Tabacco MARYLAND 1.95 - 2

Semi di Tabacco MARYLAND

1,95 €

Semi di Tabacco MARYLAND

Prezzo per Pacchetto di 50 semi.

Maryland medium in flavor and nicotine. They are somewhat similar to Burleys but have a more distinct flavor of their own. And they also have a characteristic growth habit and generally have a more pyramidal

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Semi di Tabacco MARYLAND

Prezzo per Pacchetto di 50 semi.

Maryland medium in flavor and nicotine. They are somewhat similar to Burleys but have a more distinct flavor of their own. And they also have a characteristic growth habit and generally have a more pyramidal shape with large and more pointed leaves. The big cigarette companies don't tell anyone what they put in their blends exactly, but Marlboro and Winston brands taste like they are a Bright Leaf and Maryland blend, instead of Bright Leaf & Burley. Many people like Marylands in a pipe and also as a cigar filler.

D 10 (50 S)
306 Articoli

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USDA Hardiness zone

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