Gigantyczna roślina (z gigantycznymi owocami)

The Purple Pepino is entirely edible: skin, flesh, pulp and seeds. The white to slight light green interior is fine-grained and sweetly aromatic, intensifying as it ripens. Its flavor can be described
The Purple Pepino is entirely edible: skin, flesh, pulp and seeds. The white to slight light green interior is fine-grained and sweetly aromatic, intensifying as it ripens. Its flavor can be described as a mix of honeydew and cucumber, with a slightly bitter bite and pear-like texture. Care must be taken when handling Pepino fruits as once ripe they are delicate and easily prone to bruising.
Current Facts
The Purple Pepino is botanically classified as Solanum muricatum. The word "Pepino" is Spanish for cucumber and appears to be universal with slight variations of spelling or added epithets, such as "Pepino Dulce" or Sweet cucumber. Other names include tree melon and melon pear. This name "Pepino" is also used in parts of South America for the cassabanana. It is the fruit of a small evergreen shrub. In fact, it is commonly mis-labeled as a melon, when it actually is classified as a berry within the Solanaceae or nightshade family, like tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants.